Saturday, December 22, 2007


[ cast off those shackles and cut away those ropes ]

Things have happened, and I've realised that living life following every whim of my heart isn't such a bad thing and isn't as crazy as it sounds... well... to me... (other people might still think im crazy but *meh*)

I want to fly to wherever the wind takes me and take off or stay there for as long as I please. There’s no time for waiting anymore, I have to run, I can’t stay here and wait for the world to come to me. I don’t want to, and I can’t get left behind. No, not anymore. I have to see everything with my own eyes and touch it before it crumbles…

With impulse as my reasoning for everything… I wonder if this path that I’m taking will extinguish my own flame, or will it burn everyone around me? Will wanting everything lead me down the road to oblivion? Does that make me selfish? Impulse is the short road to a solution (whether it may be good or bad, right or wrong) but why do I now have so many more questions to ask?

What about responsibility? I’m scared I might get too caught up in my own whirlwind to care enough about the people around me… I want my eyes to become a little wider and to look a little further into the distance… but can I? The bruises all over my legs from walking into things say no… *sigh*

Wanting to soar into the blue vastness and having the ability to navigate through the storm clouds are two different things, but… I’ve grown stronger and I’ve gained a greater insight and understanding. I might not be able to get through them so quickly, I might bear the scars of my battles and sometimes, what I know may not be enough, but I believe I can make it. And besides, even if I don’t, it will be too late for me to realise…
I know, impulse and the absence of rationalisation has been the cause of demise for many… and it might be mine, but ill take my chances and ill be happy in every moment I can.

Even though my questions are plentiful, the one that strikes me most is…
What is life, if you’re only saving it for a rainy day?



my feet have left the ground...

1 comment:

Mai said...

Awww You're so poetic fel! :) Such Deep thoughts ..i think it's wise to not entirely only act on impulses but knowing when not to cross that imaginary line of what to do/what not to do....yeah screw philosophy...clearly not my field! Good luck fel, Love ya! xoxo